The School of Arts and Culture at MHP (SOAC) is raising funds to acquire a mostly vacant property (1747-1785 Alum Rock Avenue) across the street from the Mexican Heritage Plaza (La Plaza) to expand their cultural programming and bring needed family wellness services to the Mayfair community.

In doing so, SOAC steps into a role as an inspiring community hub for creativity and social action. The current project falls under a larger vision to further develop property on La Plaza’s six acres for affordable housing and commercial space for local businesses and social service providers. Both development projects fall under our strategy to establish a California Cultural District in Mayfair. This is in direct response to the very real threat of displacement in East San José.

For SOAC, the establishment of a cultural district creates tangible opportunities for residents to stay. A cultural district designation (with key local ordinances like local preference) will boost the economic vitality of the area as a direct result of SOAC’s creative placekeeping, development projects, investments in the local economy, and cultural offerings to visitors and residents alike.