Measure E is a property transfer tax that was approved by voters in 2020 to address long-term affordable housing. City Council’s allocation plan currently includes that 75% be spent on affordable housing and 25% on homeless prevention, rental assistance, and other unhoused support programs. In the Mayor’s recent budget proposal, he requested to redirect funds from affordable housing construction to temporary homeless shelters.
Voters in 2020 supported Measure E because of the urgent need for affordable housing. However, the proposal addresses a temporary solution. The City of San Jose deserves long-term housing solutions to help address this housing crisis.
We want to thank all the advocates and nonprofits who rallied against the proposed changes at City Hall last Tuesday. City Council will give final review and approval on June 13.
Together as a community, we secured Measure E funding for permanent affordable housing! This month in City Council, councilmembers voted to not continue with Matt Mahan’s budget plan that would have diverted nearly $23 million from affordable housing development to homeless shelters. During that meeting, City Council voted to secure $93 million for affordable housing development and $44 million for homeless prevention services and shelters. We want to thank everyone who went out to City Hall and fought for permanent housing solutions!