by Damon Hart | Jul 14, 2023
Grail Family Services has a State-Funded Preschool that provides an engaging, culturally and linguistically appropriate learning environment for 3- and 4-year old children. They offer half-day program schedule: Morning: 8:00am to 11:30am Afternoon: 12:30pm to 4:00pm...
by Damon Hart | Jul 14, 2023
Helps families support their children’s healthy development with access to: 1) Child developmental milestones; 2) Strategies/ activities to support children’s learning;3) A parenting forum; 4) Notifications about critical community information/resources...
by Damon Hart | Jul 14, 2023
Parents and caregivers learn what to expect as their child grows and develops and how to create a healthy, nurturing home environment. The NuParent Program series meets for 2 hours each weekly session for 8 weeks and is implemented twice a year. Parents attend the...
by Damon Hart | Jul 14, 2023
Parents and caregivers learn how to develop their child’s language skills so they will be ready for school. Hablemos Juntos Program series meets for 2 hours each weekly session for 8 weeks. Parents learn about brain development, toxic stress, and what they can...
by Damon Hart | Jul 14, 2023
Parents and caregivers work with a resourceful, caring Case Manager to strengthen their family and provide guidance and support with goal achievements. Case Management also helps parents access additional resources as needed. For more information or to enroll,...